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Collection Development Policy – Nederland Community Library

1.0 Purpose:

Our Collection Development policy is founded on the principles of Intellectual Freedom and equity of access as defined  by the American Library Association’s  Library Bill of Rights and put forth in the Colorado Library Law’s Legislative Declaration.  Nederland Community Library District has a responsibility to include materials on all subjects of interest to its readers, and on multiple sides of an issue. Inclusion does not constitute endorsement of any particular viewpoint. Further, a work will not be excluded from the Library’s collection solely because it represents a particular aspect of life, because of frankness of expression, or because it is controversial. Selection of materials is to be flexible and responsive to the changing needs and interests of the community. 

2.0 Definitions: N/A

3.0 Policy:

Materials and Library of Things/Experience Pass Selection

Authority for selection of materials is delegated by the Board of Trustees to the Library Director and the Director’s designated staff.

Following are general criteria for evaluating prospective acquisitions. An item need not meet all of the criteria to be acceptable, nor will any single criterion be decisive:

  • Supports our Library’s Mission and Strategic Plan
  • Contemporary significance, i.e. positive review by critics, staff members, or patrons.   
  • Popularity with patrons represented by requests, circulation statistics and/or observed use
  • Appropriateness and effectiveness of the medium (book, CD, downloadable) to the content and format of material for Library use;
  • Within limits of the budget for materials;
  • Insufficient materials available on the same subject;
  • Enhances a specific collection within the Library;
  • Literary and artistic merit;
  • Local author, producer, illustrator or subject;
  • Accuracy of content.

New formats will be considered for the collection when,  by national and community trends and by evidence from local requests, a significant portion of the community population has the necessary technology to make use of the format. Availability of items in that format, the cost per item and the Library’s ability to acquire and handle the items will also be factors in determining when a new format will be collected. Similar considerations will influence the decision to delete a format from the District’s collection.

Materials De-Selection

Systematic weeding of the collection is required to keep the collection responsive to patrons’ needs, to ensure its vitality and usefulness to the community and to make room for newer material. Weeding identifies damaged items, out of date material and duplicated copies that are in excess of current needs. Withdrawn material that is in good condition may be put in the Library Foundation book sale, offered to other libraries or non-profit agencies or recycled.

As materials become worn, dated, damaged or lost, replacement will be determined by staff members, who will determine whether or not:

1.     There remains sufficient need to replace that item;

2.     The item is still available and can be replaced;

3.     Another item or format might better serve the same purpose;

4.     Updated, newer or revised materials better replace a given item;

5.     The set or series is incomplete;

6.     The item has historical value;

7.     Another partnering agency could better provide that or a comparable item.


Material Donations and Memorials

Donations shall be added to the collection under the same selection criteria as purchased materials. Donations are accepted subject to: (1) the Library retains unconditional ownership; and (2) the Library makes the final decision on acceptance, use, or disposition.

When the Library receives a cash gift for the purchase of materials, whether as a Memorial or for any other purpose, the general nature of subject area of the materials to be purchased will be based upon the wishes of the donor. Selection of specific titles will be made by the staff in accordance with the needs and selection policy of the Library.

Resource Sharing

Serving a community with limited resources, the Nederland Community Library will actively pursue ways to share resources with other local, county, regional and state libraries and organizations.

4.0 Attachments: N/A

5.0 Revision History: Original – Approved January 3rd, 2007

                                                     Revision 1—December 4, 2019

                                                     Revision 2—July 24-2024


Collection Development Policy – Nederland Community Library

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