Drop-In, Feb. 12
Nederland Community Library &
Our Sister Dutch Library
Who: Any student in the Peak to Peak Region entering 10th, 11th, 12th grade or gap year in the Fall of 2023.
Why: Globalizing learning and fostering culturally diverse experiences through affordable, accessible International Sister City Library Partnerships.
Where: The Netherlands, Nederland’s namesake.
How long: Students collaborate with their Netherlands’ student counterparts on a project that promotes the value of global cooperation and learning. The program culminates in a 10-day homestay exchange the summer of 2024.
Cost: Students fundraise $1,000 matched by funding from the NCL Foundation and their partners.
When: Student applications are due August 15, 2023. Interviews held August 2023.
Student Exchange cohort chosen September 2023.
Download APPLICATION (2-page pdf)
Email for more information