All donations are greatly appreciated. The library reviews donated items, then decides if and how they can be best used according to the library’s needs at the time of the donation.
Monetary or in-kind donations on behalf of the library should be made directly to the Nederland Community Library Foundation. The Library Board will request funds from the Foundation in accordance with the Foundation policy. All inquiries about naming Nederland Community Library as a beneficiary in a will or in a trust should be made to the Nederland Community Library Foundation.
Book Donations
- Donations will be subject to the library’s collection policy. An item that is not added may be donated to another institution, or it may be sold to generate funds for Nederland Community Library services and programs.
- Donations accepted:
- Books in good condition
- The library cannot use the following materials: textbooks, magazines, encyclopedias, CDs/DVDs, Reader’s Digest condensed books, mass market (pocket) paperbacks, vinyl records, damaged or moldy materials, and materials with highlighting or handwriting (except author-signed books).
- Many library users wish to make donations in the form of memorial books, and these donations are subject to the Collections Policy, Section II, Deed of Gift Agreement Form.
- Patrons wishing to donate books should contact the Nederland Community Library Foundation at: The library does not have space to store donations in-house, so please do not place donated materials in the book returns box.
Other Donations
Other kinds of donations are also appreciated. Potential donors should call the Library Director to find out if the donation would be acceptable.